Easy AD Admin


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Easy AD Admin will allow you to do the following with a Windows Active Directory Server:- Reset user passwords- Make users change their password the next time they logon- Disable, enable, lock and unlock user accounts- Create new user accounts- Create OUs- Move PCs and Computers to different OUs- Search Active Directory for Groups, Users, Computers and OUs- PIN login for fast and secure connections- Export lists to csv- List of all locked accounts- View users and their current account status- Sort all results- Quick challenge dialog to make accidental changes difficult
Upcoming features in development:- Change controller and domains- Select multiple user to move, enable disable, reset passwords and more- Left Navigation Fly-out to move around the app (like back to the credentials screen to change your password)- Search builder to allow you to quickly build very detailed custom searches and save the query for later- Add users to Groups- Advanced Add User screen to allow more option when creating a user- Advanced user edit screen- Customize Cards- Customize Views- Many more features planed
Use of this app is intended for Windows Active Directory although it implements LDAP so it is possible it will work with many other systems that implement LDAP.
Supports landscape and portrait for phones and tablets. Very small screens (below 4 inch) may see sizing issues until the next update. Also increasing DPI scaling may cause issues investigating possible solutions.
You will need to be connected to the same network. You will not have remote access without a VPN or similar connection to the domain. Some VPNs do not properly resolve the Domain host name and is why the IP address of the closest domain should be included on the initial setup screen.